Friday, February 5, 2016

A few flower cards

These cards used really dark, bold colors.  Not my normal style at all.  I used Cherry Cobbler for the flowers from the What I love stamp set.  The card stock is Mossy Meadow.  I CASED this card and when I make it again I will not add the small brown leaves.  It is just way too busy for me.  I need more white space!  So here is the next card I made---lots of light colors and white space. Here the main colors are Pink Pirouette, Pool Party, and Mint Macaron.  My speckles are Sahara Sand. The leaves are from CASual Fridays but every thing else is Stampin Up.  I added some matching rhinestones. 


  1. They may be bright, but I think they look lovely. Very striking

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
